Frequently asked questions

What happens during a Homeopathic consultation?

During the 1st appointment I will try and gain an understanding of your health and the exact symptoms you are experiencing. This appointment lasts for 1 hour. Following the consultation I will find a homeopathic medicine (known as a ‘remedy’) that matches you and your symptoms as closely as possible. To find out more you can read the Patient Information pages at the Society of Homeopaths website.

How will I receive my remedies?

I will order your prescription from Ainsworths Homeopathic Pharmacy and they will post it to you within a few days, along with an invoice. You will need to pay the pharmacy directly for your remedies. They usually cost between £10 and £20.

Follow Up Appointments

Homeopathic treatment involves a gradual process of change towards better health. The first follow-up appointment takes place between two and four weeks after the first prescription. Follow up appointments are shorter than the first – usually lasting 30 minutes.

How many consultations will I need?

The number of consultations that may be needed is difficult to predict – it depends on a number of factors such as the age of the patient, how long the symptoms have been going on and your response to your prescription.

Can I take Homeopathic medicine alongside conventional medicine?

Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic, and will not interfere with the action of conventional drugs. It is important to keep me informed of any changes in prescribed medication from your doctor. Some people choose homeopathy because they are unhappy with side effects from their current conventional medication. However, you should not stop taking medication until you have discussed it with your doctor.

Conventional medicine and Homeopathy

I recommended that you maintain your relationship with your GP or specialist. Homeopathic and conventional approaches are often successfully used alongside one another in an integrated approach.

Private Health Insurance

You may be able to claim some or all of the cost of your homeopathic treatment from your private health insurer. I am registered as a practitioner with Simplyhealth and AxaPPP. I recommend that you check your cover with them.

How do I book an appointment?

Go to the booking page and choose a date and time suitable for you. Payment is taken at the time of booking online by card or Paypal. You can also contact me directly to arrange an appointment, or for an informal chat, by email, text or phone.

How does the consultation take place?

All appointments take place online - by Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, Whatsapp or by phone.

Cancellation Policy

Please give me at least 24hrs notice to rearrange or cancel your appointment by text, phone or email, otherwise the full fee will be payable.

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