Health, Art, Music & Creativity

One subject that especially interests me in my practice is the link between health and creativity, particularly within the areas of Art and Music. Music has played an important role in my life from childhood. Whether that has been listening to records, watching live music or playing in bands. Art has been a more recent development. As I said in my previous post, I had not done any drawing since school and it was only something that began at the start of the year.

As I began to draw more frequently I improved, my confidence grew and I reflected how much I enjoyed the meditative state that sitting (or standing) studying an object, person or scene gave me. The break in work pattern and routine and the subsequent time and space that occurred during the first wave of lockdown led to many people reassessing their lives and making permanent change. My experience was discovering that the space, calm and quiet of lockdown afforded an opportunity to focus more on homeopathy, art and music. Jazz music was the soundtrack to my days spent drawing.

This is something that has continued and is where I see the link between the two worlds of health and creativity. Being able to access your own innate creativity and allowing it expression can open up your potential and lead to direction, fulfillment and satisfaction. I enjoy exploring the different stages of creativity with my clients during the homeopathic consultation process.


McCartney, Music & Homeopathy